The Little Mermaid is a beloved animated film, with nostalgia behind every single song. Fast forward to 2023, and Disney Studios decides to bring to life yet another live-action adaptation to the screen. With the casting announcement of Melissa McCarthy, Javier Bardem, Awkwafina, and Halle Bailey, excitement grew for the upcoming Disney Classic.
As the movie begins, we are introduced to the fresh face of Halle Bailey, depicting the typical playful and naive Ariel. Halle Bailey was one of the best castings we have seen to this day for any Disney Princess live-action adaptation. Her acting is on par with her Academy Award-winning counterparts, and her beautifully enchanting singing voice challenges the original Ariel’s ‘Part of Your World’.
One of the biggest concerns going into this movie was creating an underwater world that was realistic enough for the Little Mermaid and her family to live in. However, with Disney Studios’ creative and in-depth work, the CGI will stand the test of time. The addition of newcomer Jonah Hauer-King as Prince Eric became a natural star as he sang one of four new songs for the film titled “Wild Uncharted Waters”.
While the film created a life-like world for the film to be placed in, I was left with an underwhelmed feeling. The Disney magic wasn’t quite there for me. Javier Bardem fell flat in my opinion, with his little screen time. A big problem for me personally was the changing of Scuttle into a Northern gannet instead of the original Seagull. That may not be the worst change, considering they cast Awkwafina to rap a new song, which was a big mistake even putting in the movie.
However, the only thing that saved this movie for me was Melissa McCarthy and how seemingly perfect she slipped into the role of Ursula. If you are looking for a fun movie to watch with your kids, it is for you. But if you are looking to compare it to the original, you will be sadly disappointed, as it doesn’t hold a candle to the beloved Animated Film.
The Review
The Little Mermaid (2023)
The Little Mermaid presents a promising cast including Halle Bailey as Ariel and Melissa McCarthy as Ursula. While the CGI creates a visually stunning underwater world, some elements like Javier Bardem's portrayal of King Triton fall flat. Changes like Awkwafina's rap song and altering Scuttle's character may not sit well with purists. Overall, it's an entertaining film for children but falls short in capturing the magic of the beloved animated classic.
- Entertaining for Children and Adults Alike
- Melissa McCarthy’s astounding ability to capture the likeness of Ursula
- Immersive world experience in the underwater scenes
- Major changes in comparison to the animated film
- New song titled “Scuttlebutt”
- Not a lot of character growth or emotional appeal